Climb the tower of the Cathedral
You will enjoy the best panoramas from the city center, next to the gigantic bells.
The Cathedral tower, an axis in which the hours spin unstoppable, shows the landscape and is a hallmark of the city
The Bell Tower, or Torre-Campanario, (1521-1791) measures 90 meters high (95 with the vane), with different width of its five different bodies. It is a magnificent and happy conjunction of various styles.
Francisco and Jacobo Florentino are the authors of the first body, with a square base, with a Renaissance style and an ornamentation of the Hispanic plateresque.
The second body, made by Jerome Quijano, corresponds to a more purist phase of the same style.
The third floor is Baroque style, the body of the tower is rococo and the cupulate finish has a neoclassical accent and was drawn by Ventura Rodriguez.
The so-called "conjuratorios" from which storms were conjured with the Lignum Crucis stand out in the fourth body.

Entering the Cathedral tower
Inside the first body or base of the cathedral's tower we find the Sacristía Mayor with its vaulted ceiling and wooden chest of drawers, furniture from the 16th century and Renaissance style restored in 2009.
We will then go up some ramps until we reach the second section where the Cathedral Archive is located. The archive is the second most important archive in Murcia, after the regional archive.
In the third body we find the room of secrets, also called the Whispering Room.
This room is enclosed by a perfect vault where the old and disused clock machine rests. The vault that runs around and encloses the room provides perfect acoustics. If we stand in a corner of the room and whisper something, very softly, on the wall, the voice travels through the dome and transmits the message. Another person on the other side of the room, on the opposite wall, will be able to hear it as if it were whispered in their ear. And if you stand in the centre of the room, under the ceiling of the dome, you can hear all the conversations going on simultaneously.

Enjoy spectacular views from the balcony of the conjuratories.
After having passed through the clock room or room of secrets, you will arrive at the conjuratories from where you will be able to enjoy impressive views. It is worth mentioning an overhanging balcony called the balcony of the conjuratories where the priest used to perform his "incantations", prayers to protect the city from evil, storms or floods.
From here a spiral staircase leads up to the bell tower.
The tower has a set of 20 bells, 5 on each side. The largest, St. Águeda, weighs 6,420 kilos
The bells, with the exception of the so-called "Mora" (14th century), which is preserved in the Museum of Fine Arts, are from the 17th and 18th centuries. All of them have a name: Conjuros, Catalana, Oración, Fuensanta, Concepción, Segundilla..., being the main one of all the largest, also called Agueda-martillo. The twenty-five bells have served since time immemorial to announce to the city of Murcia the fearsome floods, as well as the wars, but also celebrations, joys and festivities.